Ready to make more business progress in 12 weeks than you made in the last 12 months?

Kim's Mentored Mastermind Group Coaching Program

Discover what hundreds of other entrepreneurs have discovered by participating! Get in-depth business coaching with Kim in an affordable, small-group setting! Plus find support from your small group of no more than eight members. 

Click to Pre-Register For August-November 2024 Groups


Since these groups are hand-matched with a strategy, you can be confident in applying whether you are starting a new business, making a part-time income, or bringing in a full-time income and want to scale. Kim can help anyone with with a product, service, or content based business model.


Mastermind groups are typically small groups of business peers that meet regularly to help share ideas, give feedback, help with education, and encouragement. Kim takes this concept and adds her mentorship and specific educational resources to the mix for a power-packed, 12-week, productive mastermind group.


I'm Kim Anderson.

I've been an entrepreneur since 2011. Since beginning my journey, I've gained experience and expertise in the following businesses:

  • Online content creation.
  • Self-Publishing
  • Traditional Publishing as an author
  • Physical and Digital Product Creation
  • Brick and Mortar Business
  • Coaching and Consulting
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Podcasting
  • Hiring Help

As a visionary, I'm here to help you see and achieve dreams you may not even be able to wrap your head around now.

I'm guessing you are 1 of these 2 types of entreprenuers:

Type #1-

You are a person who gets easily stuck in the paralysis of analysis because you often get so lost in the details that you lose sight of the dream or bigger picture. This cycle leads you to second guess, stay stuck, and want to give up.

During our 12 Weeks together, I will serve as your visionary. I'll help you see the forest when all you can see is the trees. During our 12 weeks, I'll be giving you permission to stop the things that don't work, don't matter, and get rid of what isn't serving your larger goal. You'll get unstuck.

Type #2-

You are a dreamer and highly creative. You have a million ideas floating through your head, and they all seem fantastic. You know that if you could just pick one and follow-through, it would work! This cycle leaves you feeling overwhelmed and like you are a pinball bouncing from one idea to another without getting things done.

During our 12 Weeks together, I will serve as your anchor. I'll keep you focused, running toward the next best thing, and accountable for sticking with the goals you've set for this short sprint of time so you can see momentum.

How The Process Works

Step 1: Pre-Register

You'll find the pre-registration button at the bottom of this page.

Step 2: Complete the Placement Survey

Once you register, you'll receive an email with a receipt of your pre-registration containing a link to a Google doc you can complete to help me match you to a group.

Step 3: Placement

Once all the applications are officially in, Kim will start the process of matching applicants based on where they are in their business & their time availability for meetings.

Step 4: Goal Setting Meeting

At the first group meeting, each person will get a chance to chat with Kim about their 3-5 goals for the 12 weeks including:

  • What are the RIGHT goals?
  • What is realistic for 12 Weeks.
  • Are those the next best steps for your business?

Step 5: Access to Educational Support

Kim has an entire school of dedicated lessons, courses, and educational materials for business owners. As a mastermind member, you will get free access to the education tools you need to implement your goals.

Step 6: 1 Hour Weekly Meetings

Each week members show up at the same Zoom link and get a chance to chat with Kim about their progress, wins, hurdles, and frustrations while also learning from hearing what others in the group are struggling with.


Kim's Mentored Masterminds are incredibly helpful for networking with other bloggers at similar levels as you... plus you get the advantage of Kim's guidance!

I get countless tips and ideas from my mastermind, including one idea to which I can directly attribute over 5,000 (and counting) new email subscribers.

-Jennifer Maker,

2018 Q1 Mastermind Member

"I have been in Kim Anderson's Master Mind groups for two cycles now and they have been everything I need to continue making progress on my business goals. 

Kim carefully selects the members of your Master Mind group to compliment where you are in your business and to provide a variety of strengths and experiences. The networking and accountability provided in these groups is top notch, but the true value is in Kim herself. 

Kim has a knack for cutting through all of the distractions with blogging and identifying the best next step for you, wherever you are in your journey. Kim is a calm source of encouragement when you feel frazzled and out of ideas. 

I have personally benefitted greatly by being in Kim's Master Mind groups by increasing my sponsored post income and doubling my site traffic - and most importantly, gaining confidence that I can meet my blogging goals!"


2019/2020 Mastermind Member

Having a mastermind group with a coach to lead the sessions has been the best motivation for me of anything I've tried.

The accountability it provides is worth the price alone. But then you also get to talk to other bloggers that are going through the same trials and tribulations that you are.

I haven't found anything that compares. Worth every penny!

-Andrea Huntley,

2019/2020 Masterminds Member

Kim is an amazing mentor for every level blogger. She meets you where you are in your blogging journey and is a master at helping you move forward to the next level.

She makes it clear that you are building your own business, but she is there to support you every step of the way twelve weeks at a time.


2019/2020/2021 Mastermind Member

 "If you're serious about blogging and need support, direction, and accountability, it is definitely worth the investment.

Not only when you are flying high and just need some guidance, but also on the days when you're::thisclose:: to quitting, unmotivated, or thinking it's not worth it.

Last week I was struggling and the ONLY reason I accomplished anything on my blog was so I'd have something to bring to the table at the mastermind.

We talked through all of our issues, and I'm back on track. Can't say enough about the positive consequences of joining the mastermind!"

- Amy from

2018/2019 Mastermind Member

"Warning: Please only apply if you are willing to PUT IN THE WORK. Otherwise you will be doing yourself a huge disservice by wasting your time & money.

With that said, Kim is, hands down, 1 of the top 3 best investments I would consider a MUST-HAVE for any entrepreneur and/or Ecom business out there. If you are an army-of-one, type of person who gets things done and is looking to level-up your business and is willing to learn from some of the brightest, most passionate, and dedicated people in the blogosphere, then Kim's group is exactly where you need to be.

Because blogging is NOT for the faint of heart, be prepared to work harder than you've ever worked before and you will reap what you sow. Kim will hold your feet to the fire, so you must bring your A-game and go big or go home. If you are a business owner who cares about the quality of your content, serving your people well, and doing so with integrity, then you belong in Kim's Mastermind."

-Diana Fuller,

2019 Mastermind Member

"I gained so much being a part of Kim’s mastermind. Seeing how a pro blogger’s mind works and being able to have her guidance in my business was game changing. I can’t wait to work with her again!"


"Having a mastermind group with a coach to lead the sessions has been the best motivation for me of anything I've tried. The accountability it provides is worth the price alone. But then you also get to talk to other bloggers that are going through the same trials and tribulations that you are. I haven't found anything that compares. Worth every penny!"

- Karen Cumberledge,

"Kim's Masterminds are the perfect way to keep on track.  Before joining the Mastermind group, I was struggling to keep track of all of the tasks in my business.  When you're the only one in your business, it's easy to just get in hustle mode and not really move forward.  Kim does a great job of helping you see the big picture of your business. 

I've been able to plan ahead with my blog, which is something that I wasn't doing before.  This has allowed me to improve my funnels and spend time on tasks that are only going to move my blog ahead.  During one of my sessions, I asked Kim about a special project that I was going to take on. 

With Kim's advice, I was able to make a deal with a company and charge them $2,000 per month instead of $300 that I had originally planned.  That in itself paid for my mastermind session!"

-Shelby DeVore,


  • Weekly meetings from August-November 2024 opportunities to get accountability, feedback, direction, and/or encouragement from Kim.
  • Feedback and insight on what goals you should focus on and what goals you should park so you get out of the paralysis of analysis.
  • Free access to Kim's online classes, checklists, courses, and/or resources based on the goals you have to accomplish.

What is the investment?

Each group is hand-selected and matched by Kim.

Member dues are normally $165 per month for 4 months.

Get in on the sale price of $99 per month until July 31st 2024.

*Each applicant will pay a $30 deposit to pre-register and indicate serious interest. If I don't have a group that fits, I'll refund your deposit. Your depost is applied to your first month's dues.

Anyone who opts out of participation after being placed in a group will forfeit their deposit as an admin fee.


If you have any tech issues with pre-registration email

More About Kim...

I started Thrifty Little Mom in summer 2013 as a stay at home mom of a one-year-old.

Had a goal of making enough that her husband could quit his electrical engineering job and work for himself. He doubted that it was possible.

I was picked up by a literary agent at a writing conference who helped me snag my first traditionally published book deal.

I got the contract the same week I had newborn twins! The contract gave me six months to write the book.

I turned in an 80,000-word manuscript to my editor in six months with newborn twins and a 4 year old. So let's just say that I understand getting stuff done with distractions lol.

Live Save Spend Repeat was published in Fall 2017.

That's me geeking out in Barnes & Noble.

I'm a professional speaker and have spoken at:

  • Haven
  • FinCon
  • Activate
  • WorkBenchCon
  • Type-A Parent
  • Digital Co-lab
  • And many more conferences and events.

I've successfully created a strong, six-figure online business using:

  • Ad Networks
  • Sponsored Content
  • Affiliate Income
  • Digital Product Sales
  • Podcasting
  • Memberships
  • Service-Based Business
  • Writing Books and eBooks
  • Courses
  • Physical Products
  • Speaking
  • In-person Events
  • Virtual Events
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Tripwires
  • Funnels

I've successfully coached over 400 online business owners since 2015.

People call me the "Blogging Shrink" and my personality is very uniquely wired to help you, encourage you, dig out what's keeping you stuck and drive you to create YOUR success story. Whatever that looks like for you!

I prepared to help you think creatively, get focused and make progress.

But if this list of experience isn't enough to convince you to register, I may not be the coach for you and that's okay!